so far are out of date\r34. Dr. Myers and other researchers hold that\rO\r[A] people should look for a baseline that\rcan work for a longer time\r[B] fisheries should keep their yields below\r50% of the biomass\r[C] the ocean biomass should be restored to\rits original level\r[D] people should adjust the fishing\rbaseline to the changing situation\r35. The author seems to be mainly concerned\r9\rwith most fisheries .\r[A] management efficiency\r[B] biomass level\r[C] catch-size limits\r[D] technological application.\re. We can infer from Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm's paper that\r(2006. A. 12)\rf. The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S.\r(2006. A. 3)