eb, none of this applies.\r3145]^F_6`ab5\rThere are no filters..\rYc[de\rBecause anyone can write a Web page, documents of the widest range of quality, written\rby authors of the widest range of authority, are available on an even playing field.\rfgha+i67j,klmnopqrKimnost+67\ruvwx\rExcellent resources reside along side the most dubious.\ry)z{|}pFG~m\rThe Internet epitomizes the concept of Caveat lector: Let the reader beware.\rlector
:)K3\rThis document discusses the criteria by which scholars in most fields evaluate print\rinformation, and shows how the same criteria can be used to assess information found on\rthe Internet.\rk\r;K/J\n"+5?/0\n\r 0@P