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nt was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.\r1 It is a crime not only against human\rbeings but also against the\ru supernatural beings”.\r2 They believe that liars will suffer at\rand after the death.\r3 Lead to miseries and misfortune for\rliar.\r4 God will judge.\r5 They promise their support for the\rtruthful.\rGenerated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit\rSoftware\r.foxitsoftware. For evaluation only.\rListening.\ru n d e rs ta n d in g s h o r t c o n v e rs a tio n\rCDCAB CCCDB BCBAB DDCDD\rU n d ersta n d in g P assag e\rABBAD ACABA ACCBB\rG en erated by F o x it PDF C re a to r © F o x it\rS o ftw are\r, f o x its o f tw a r e . For e v a lu a tio n only.


