closer / deeper / careful study uf, the tabic / qraph / diagram, derive from them / it\r2. Accordiog to my own lights, insight / truth gleaned , from , the changes\r3. confirmed, tabic\r4. insight / truth obtained from the data\r5. as is known t"all\r6. established insieht / truth deduced from the changes\r7. lies net merely with, but also with\r8. As the experts point out, will be literally descriptive / characteristic of\rSection B.\rXVI\r1. heal\r2. royal\r3. realistically\r4. glimpse\r5. swaying\r6.outwrd\r7.layout\r8. weeded.\rXVII\r1. wanting in\r2. towered over\r3. made for\r4. broke off\r5. gave way to\r6. sank into\r7. It is expected you will\r8. remained of