ng English.\rJ: But you should give it your best shot, Bob.\rB: Why?\rJ: How else can you get to meet American chicks?\rB: What chick? I don't like eggs.\rJ: "Chicks" mean "girls 1 you fool.\rB: Oh, I give up!\rget with it Q follow the trend ¡¢£~¤\r¥¦1xI am American, or I am an American. Chinese ')\rWhat*s up, m an?§¨©; answer: Nothing special. How about you? dude = guy = man ª«y§¨;\rHow is it going? ¬:®\rbe short of ¯° be short for ±²\rin the beginning = in the first place ³´\rYou speak in informal English.\rformal occasion : funeral, wedding\rspeech µ2]:=J ¶µ]=JPeter made a speech to the students who fell asleep.\rdeliver a speech ·¸¶µ\rspeechless I was speechless when she said I love you. ¹21\rbest shot = best try\rhow elseº:»\ryou fool ¼