or .NET.\rC 1.accounting\rC 2. guilty\r@ 3. responsible\rC 4. obliged\r14? A well-written article good choice of words\rand clear organization among other things.\rJ 1. calls on\rS 2.calls for\rp 3. calls up\rC 4.calls off\r15? He hasn't decided how what happened to\rhis wife\rC 1.explains\r2.to explain\rC 3.explaining\rC 4.explained\r16? The work needs some help; we cannot finish the task\ralone in such a short period of time.\rL\rJ 1. addicted\r2. add.\r3.additional\rC 4. addition\r17? The rent is reasonable and the location is\rperfect.\r1. moreover\rC 2. though\rC 3. therefore\r4. however