
华师 大学英语精读(2)作业答案

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ur 1 ife and maintain our psychological heal th.\rThrough participation, we learn on the playground that we not only\rstruggle for ourselves but also fight for our team. Sports teach\rus about consideration, cooperation and optimism in the face of\rfailure. But sports can harm those who don' t plan their\ractivities properly. Excessive training may hurt their bodies,\rexhaust their vigor, and even cause them to be sick. In\rgeneral, I love sports, and I enjoy sports. I feel that I gain\ra wel I-ba lanced life through participation i n sports, and get more\rchances to be closer to nature as well. Sports activities add\rhappiness to our everyday 1i fe when done in a balanced way.\r?:\r: 14.0\r0.0


