.administrations\r7 .attributed\r8. Some thhings have been done to address this problem\r9. in an effort to raise the public's awareness of environmental protection\r10. to punish enterprises that drain untreated wastes into the rivers and oceans\rUNIT 10(95%)\r15 C D C C A\r610 B A B A C\r11. pfimitive\r12. false\r13. waking\r14. tends\r15. inconsistent\r16. external.\rio. external\r17. ringing\r18. Experiments have been carried out in order to investigate the\rconnection between pain and dreaming\r19. depend on the associations of the discomfort in the mind of the person\rwho is sleeping\r20. Some people say they dream every night ,more other say they dream\ronly occasionally(?)