
备战新高考高三英语单词变化填空题 答案版

上传者:似水流年 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:9 |  大小:888KB

street.\r6. Of the 931 ~ in this marathon race, Lee(l2 years old) was the second youngest, the\ryoungest one being just over 10 years old.\r7. We were all shocked at the announcement that Mr Qian, our Maths teacher who we thought had\rlittle talent for music, would be the instructor of the cho江\r8. So engaged were we in the beautiful snow that little did we know our fingers were almost ~ -\r9. The doctor insisted that he take the pills before meals and that it wouldn't take effects otherwise.\r10. On the wall were posted all the ~ he made as a young athlete, of which he must\rhave been proud over all these years.\r这 10 句话都是最近学的最重点的语法句式(虚拟语气,强调句,名词性从句 , 倒装句 , 状语\r从句,定语从句),希望在做题的时候好好看下,分辨出来,而不只是做选词填 空。建议这\r10 句倒回来做中译英。


