
青岛科技大学 大学英语3(本科) 期末考试复习题及参考答案

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:101 |  大小:15669KB

thers think that people should develop new\renergy resources. They hold that conservation alone is not enough to solve the problem.\rDeveloping new energy resources will be another good way to avoid the energy crisis.\rAs for me, I think developing new energy resources is a better way. Just as I have\rmentioned above, natural resources is limited. Thus, no matter how economically and\rcarefully we try to use energy, we will use them up one day in the future. Besides\rconserving energy, we should find new energy resources such as water power and solar\rpower.\rTo sum up, ifs time for us to realize the seriousness of the energy problem and take\ractions. Lefs contribute to save the limited energy resources and develop new energy\rresources.


