e most commonly cited example of a primitive calculating device is the\rabacus.\r19. start out:\r1) They started out wanting a house, but eventually bought a flat.\r2) Peter didn't start out to apply for Yale UniversityOit just happened that way.\r3) He started out in the personnel department; later he was transferred to the\rsales department.\r4) She started out as a teacher an only began writing in her thirties.\r20. batch: the amount produced at one baking; a number of things taken as a group;\rt\r10101\r))\r2z The second batch of sugar was better than the first.\r\!\!\r/ Harvard University biologist Dick Estes supplied a large batch of lion\rphotographs taken from 1963 to 1965.\r3) The school authorities have laid down a great batch of rules and regulations.\r)