amily, children are told that "love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage". They feel\rthat it is only too natural to get married. But alas, nothing could be less so. Love has delighted and\rworried us. In real life, love and marriage may not go together. Love can be described as a restless horse\rwhich would run away, refusing to be put under control. In the end it overturns the carriage. When love\rruns away the result is a failed marriage. But did it ever occur to us that we can and should keep the\rhorse under control? Once we are in charge of love, it can be with us for the rest of our lives.\r@\]p,^_[`ab“MQ489\r? cd4de”f[&g7\rhi%N8jklmnMopqrs[@tP\rpMQ489u vwM*+`xyz 0{0%d|}~\r`
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