
新视野大学英语(第2册) unit one

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d\rThe atmosphere of the Second World War in London was a complete contrast to that of the First.\rThere is a marked contrast between the group's actions and its principles.\rCollocation:\rconstitute/form a sharp contrast to 与... 形成鲜明的对照\rintensify/sharpen the contrast 加强对比\rrev eal/show a contrast 显示出差别\remerge: v i. come out\rEv entually the truth of the matter emerged.\rLarge scale industry emerged gradually as technology ev olv ed.\rPattern: emerge from/out of\r太阳从云层背后出现.\rThe sun emerges from behind the clouds.\rNew ev idence emerged from the inv estigation.\rIt emerges that...\rIt later emerged that the driv er of the car had been drunk.\rworthwhile: adj. worth doing; worth the trouble taken\rHere is some worthwhile adv ice to any young businessman.\r这本书值得一读。\rIt's a worthwhile book.


