ing\rhis performance.\r7,Denotation:the sea\rConnotation:a vast expanse. It gives you a sense of being great in space.\r8. Denotat ion:beat ing\rConnotation:violently rocking me from side to side and making me uncomfortable. It gives one a sense\rof uneasiness and uncomfortableness.\rXVI. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions\r1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8. D\rPart XVII p. 301\r1. mechanic\r2.strap\r3. resist\r4. wakened\r5. fancy\r6.steep.\r7 .concentration\r8. dial\rPartVIllp. 301\r1 . hang on\r2 . popped out\r3 . in an emergency\r4 . in seconds\r5 . had trouble making\r6 . loaded with\r7 . went unnoticed\r8 . it helps