ù? ²³vúûP\r2.Complete the following sentences in English\r1) he does not seem to focus at all.\rüýþºÿ 0@P`p?\r?\r2 ) drove his parents crazy.\r??\r3) The boy was so absorbed in the game...\r !"#$%&'()?*+?,-?\r4) He made up his mind...\r?./0123?45??67\r5) You cannot take her promise seriously,...\r8?9:;<=>?@;A?BC>D\r6 ) we can communicate with the people from other countries.\rEFGHIJKLMNO?7P<QKRS\r7) ranging from inflation to environmental pollution.\rTUVWXY7PZ[<A\]^_`abcdefgh\r8) ...in relation to the cost of living.\rijklmnopqrs\r9) ...has to account for the traffic accident..\rtuvw:TxRyz{|\r10) ... in part stemmed from these events.\rP}t~