s of\rrely on\rright away\rrun down\rrun into\rrun out of\rrun over\rsee off\rsee to\rsend for\rserve as\rset aside\rset down\rset forth\rset off\rset out\rset out + to do\rset up\rside by side\rso as + to do\rso far\rso far as ...be concerned\rso long as\rso that\rsooner or later\rstand by\rstand for\rstand out\rstand up\rstand up to\rstep by step.\rsuch...as\rsuch as\rsum up\rswitch off\rswitch on\rtake...as\rtake...fbr\rtake advantage of\rtake away\rtake care\rtake care of\rtake charge of\rtake down\rtake effect\rtake for granted\rtake in\rtake into account\rtake off\rtake on\rtake over\rtake part in\rtake place\rtake up\rthe moment (that)\rthe same as\rthanks to\rtiiink of\rthink of... as\rthrow light on\rto the point