d on the new discovery, which he called\r“superconductivity” . in 1913, Onnes won the Nobel Prize.\r234?"¨P©ª,«#¬zP`¨X¤MN¤?r[®¯,®° ±#²X¤³´PXµ`,¶·?,¶¸?,)Z[\rX¤¹Qº»¤?¼I½¾¿À`234L#,ÁÂ_ÂÃ7ÄÅ?¨Æ#¶ÁÂ_Ç “'(_”`1913)?234ÊËÌÍÎÏV`\rOnnes realized how important his discovery could be. for example, much of the electricity used in motors, or power produced by generators,\rwas wasted in keeping the current flowing through the coils of the electromagnets, but his "perpetual" current, flowing through them,\rwould keep them magnetized for ever without using any electrical energy.\r234}~ÐÑ#,Â_PÒÓÔÕ`Ö?X?×ØÙPXÚÂ?×PÂ^PXÛ§¥Ü?ÝÝÞßQà¡X¤QXáâãäåP¤?oP\r 2 3 4 P “æ”X¤Qãäå¤?a?L ãä ¡çáè?¥éÓsêëX `\rWe are sure that "superconductivity" will work wonders in the future.\rìíî?“'(_”Qïð^ñòóô`