rtage of Fresh Water\r1 . *ÀùÅúûüýaÍþ1\r(ÿ 0@P0@`0...)\r2 .\n0\r??\r(0...)\r3 . !"#$%&\r6. Advantage of a Job Interview\r1 . '()*+,-./012/0/ 0 3 (interviewer)4"03(interviewee)56.\r89:;<=>\r2 . /0356?"03@A<=B*CD@EF@GHI>\r3 ."03JKLMNOPQR+STUVB56W'XYZ[56@A\]^_\r*`aI>\r7. Can Money Buy Happiness?\r1 . Kbcde\rfghi(source of happiness)\r2 .JKbcde\rjkhl(rool of all evil)\r3 . mn\r8. Sounds\r1) The world is filled with many sounds\r2) Some sounds are useful\r3) But some sounds are harmful\r9. a letter in reply to a friend's inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university.\r1 .obcYpqr:s%EF(`a@Ct@uTI)56vwxyMz{*\r2 .B|}~ocixs%\rA Campaign Speech