ks of life is becoming\rincreasingly fierce. Confronted with such great pressure from work and life, we tend.\rto neglect our ability and become hesitate and doubtful of ourselves. Therefore, it\ris necessary to have strong confidence in ourselves.\r,-./.\r1234\r' A case in point is Liu Xiang, the most prestigious athlete in China. He always\rimagines that he can win every race. That is why he works wonders again and again.\r(<*+= > ? @ ABCD\r, As a famous saying goes, our only enemy is ourselves. Only by building strong\rconfidence can we turn our dreams into reality.\rFGH.IJ<KL\r1NOPQRSTUVWTXUYC+\r(Z[\]T()[^_`\r^_TabcJ\]d\r---- fg\r2N The future is now.\riIi jk\r3NmnTIopq`\rrsTtuv`\r---- wx