aluation Warning : The document was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.\rB[i]=w[i];\rJ++p\r)\rFor (i=0; I < =p; i++)\r(\rW[j]=b[i];\rJ++p\r}\r)\r40: fortieth questions please write the function fun, this\rfunction is the function of mobile mobile content string, the\rrules are as follows: firs t to the firs t M characters to string\rtranslation, finally, the M + 1 to the last character string\rmoved to the front.\rAnswer`\rVoid fun (char, *w, int, m).\rChar b [N];\rInt, I, j=0;\rFor (i=0; I < m; i++)\r(\rB [j]= w [i];\rJ++p\r)\rFor (i=0; I < strlen (W) -m; i++)\rW[i]=w[i+m];\rFor (j=0; J < m; j++)\r(\rW [i]=b[j];\rI++p\rW [i]= /\0/;