/ / if not the same as j++ and I have been\rpreserved, synchronization\rStr[j]= \0J ;\rHere the symbol} / / large can be removed\r)\rVoid printf_string (char str[])\r(\rPrintf ("%s\n", STR);\r22:12 2011-11-17.\rThe use of # if / / id e n tifie r\r#include<stdio. h>\rttdefine Daxie / / 1 if changed to 0 are a ll converted to\rlowercase\rVoid main ()\r(\rChar s t r [20]= "C Languagez!, c ;\rInt i ;\r1=0;\rWhile ( (c= str[ i ] ) ! = '\ 0 ')\r(\rI++\r# if Daxie\rIf (c>='a'&&c<='z')\rC=c-32;\rttelse.\rI f (C>='A '&&c' Z ')\rC=c+32;\rttendif\rPrintf C);\rPrintf ("\n");