A What are their jobs? A They are\rwaitress.\rGY>?@A&mBF\]^\r1 Who's the girl with the brown hair?\r2 what's your job?\r3 Is this your mother?\r4 How much are the grapes?\r5 Which one?\rp YZ[fg&QMY3o.4\r1 We are late for the party.\r2 Are you a doctor?\r3 Welcome to our school?\r4 No, I'm not. I'm a cook.\r5 Who's that girl?.\rKLMNOKPQRSTUVWXOYPQZ[\].\r^_`aUh ttp " / ainqhua.yeryy.com/\rLMNOPQbcdefgh\rÄÅÆÇÈÉUÊP^Ìͳ?ÎÏÐ\n³?\rÑ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × )\rÛ Ü IWÝÞßØàáâßãäåßæÜ?ßçäèß\rØÙt t Ú\réêë\r=ßGßpß!߳ߵß\rîßÌßÍß 1 ßÍß\rì í ^ qrst|vw 43 W\rÍ=ß 1!ß͵ßÍÌß\r=Íï\rùú¡\rõö\rðñò ðñóô Ð÷ø\r¢