s this your pencil-box?.\rS: Yes. T : What color is it? S: It' s white. T: I like the color. But it' s\rtoo short.Äa4ÅÆÇ©ª' It, s longer than the white one. It' s nicer.\rËÌj Ínicer ÎÏ!01ÐÐÑÒÓÔÕÖשª234ÔØØ\rÒÓÙÚ¢£Û?©ª\rÜp Í,+\r1p Í+*Þßàák%\rA!âãäåæIçåçèéËW\råæ7IêB??uj'B5\rëìæÜIåíî\rïðñU?u?Wò¤îîj''óvwôõöå÷øùîú\rû\rp Í+*ÞßüáRead the story.\r1 0@P`p?\r??\r2 !"#\r3 0@%&'()"#*+,-.* ,/012-345\r6\r4 89.:;<&6\r5 >?@ABC6\r6 EFGH,6\rI JKLMNOPQRemember the Olympic motto.\rab`p A Acdefghijk/ kl kmno?p\r. .qArsrtuv6\rw x?0`j\r1 `p?LMyOQ`pHz{?|}p~`p&\r
tz6\r2 >?@A0@?6\rw Lj\r1 U7, U 8 6\r2 AML6\r3 J K ML6