His patience was worn out by all these troubles and anxieties.bìíîïðñ\rCòóôõuö8\r424. wipe out\r÷øùúù\ro u tûüýþ“ 0”P`p?\r“clean”\r??P\n\rp o ff\n“”P`p\r?\n“clean”\r??P\n\r ? the surface of :\rDid you sweep out the closet last night?\r!"#$%&'()*+,-.\rI cleaned out the desk and dusted it off.\r/#012*+P34516\r78\r[2]9:;<P=>\rEG: The whole enemy was wiped out.?@ABCD\rThe earthquake wiped out the tow n.EF<>,GHIJ\r425. work out\r[1]KL;\rEG: The weekly rate is worked out by dividing by 5 2 .N 52 PKLQRST?,\r[2]ULPVWLPXYL\r[3]Z[\rEG: Economists have tried to work out an alternative economic system.\]^_`a\rbcdefgh?\\r]i\r426. work up\r[1]jk,mk\r[2]no6pP 6q\r427. write o ffr=PstPut\rEG: The new equipment was written off in three years.vVwxyPz{|,