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- v. to damage greatly; to destroy; n. anything that has been badly damaged or broken\rwreckage - n. what remains of something severely damaged or destroyed\rwrite - v. to use an instrument to make words appear on a surface, such as paper\rwrong - ad. not correct; bad; not legal; opposite right\rY\ryellow - ad. having the color like that of gold or the sun\ryes - ad. used to express agreement or to permit\ryesterday - n. the day before today\ryet - ad. at some time before now ("Have they arrived yet?"); now; at this time ("I cannot tell\ryou about it yet.")? conj. however ("The sun was shining, yet it was cold.'1)\ryou - pro. the person or persons being spoken to\ryoung - ad. in the early years of life; not old\rZ\rzoo - n. a place where animals are kept for the public to look at and study


