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omehow showed some interest in her. When I had time,\rI would to see her. When I had something to eat, I would let her share\rwith me. One day she suddenly said to me, tear in her eyes, “I will bless\ryou when I am in heaven. " I knew my love for her had worked wonders, for\rI had never heard her speaking and I thought she had lost her ability to\rspeak. Iler blessing may have really worked for I have been a lucky person\rin work and in life.\rAs far as I understand, love is sympathy and sincerity that needs not\rbe expressed in terms of money or sweet words. As the proverb goes, "a\rhand may smell fragrant when it gives roses to others. " I believe love\ris the most precious thing in the world and we should give it to those\rwho need it most.\rJmno http:twww.edubnu.com


