s\rsalute P one' s superior officer\rretain P the right to reply\rreveal P I promise never to his secret\rrevenge L , eI Man may destroy the balance of nature , but , from time to\rtime, nature takes a terrible concentrate P concentrate one, s\rattention\rcondemn We all condemn cruelty to children.\rcondense 2 #P 2#P2 condense a speech to half\rconfer P¡ confer with sb. Over on, about, concerning sth.\rconfess ¢£P¤P¥¤P¦§ confess one, s crime\rformulate¨!CJ#Pab>©ªJ#formulate a policy\rgallop «J#¬P® ¯ :The horse did a fine gallop during the race\rgamble °±&gamble at cards\rgasp ²HP²³&speak between gasps\rgear ´µP¶·@¸P¹#º&interlock cogs and gears\rgeneralize »¼P½¾OI don, t think you can generalize about what voters\rwill do22