
新视野大学英语第三册 答案

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:20 |  大小:2073KB

re.PDF for .NET.\r5. non-productive 6. non-profit 7. non-fiction 8. non-violent\rSentence Structure\rIX.\r1. What if I say no\r2. What if they don' t know\r3. What if we can' t finish it on time\r4. What if this happens to us someday\r5. What if he has lied to usX.\r1. The Bosnian peace talks are continuing in Geneva today with the new\rproposals at the top of the agenda.\r2. All of Southern Africa is suffering from a severe drought with Mozambique\rand Zimbabwe among the worse-hit countries.\r3. The Europe Summit in Paris is drawing to an end with the US in danger of\rbeing completely isolated.\r4. With the King in prison, the chief commander came to power and ruled the\rcountry.\r5. With stability itself under threat, the reforms deserve all the support\rthey can get.


