

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:5 |  大小:647KB

ou need a careful plan, good luck, help at the right time, and above\rall, hard work.\r3. They are not doing this to gain recognition or money; they are doing this for the sake\rof society.\r4. It was actually what he said rather than what he did that made me sad.\r5. Once my mother sets her mind on something, it will be very hard to stop her.\r6. Years of research had set the stage for their success in their field.\r7. Local people are used to the phenomenon, so they are not surprised at all.\r8. Today at this meeting we are going to focus on the question of air pollution.\r9. He never expected that his best friend would charge him with cheating in the exam.\r10. His parents were so strict with him in his studies that he had little time to participate\rin any activities outside of class.


