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get a\rdivorce if th eir husbands did not earn as much as they expected. 6. The casual\rdiscovery of the fingerprint shed some lig h t on the murder he had been looking\rinto. unitlO 1. I went to the library and read whatever I could find about the\rcauses of the mysterious disappearances of the ships and planes in the Bermuda\rTriangle. 2. Continue treating friends like this, and you w ill lose them a ll.\r3. They must know th eir product thoroughly and know how to promote sales by\rword of mouth, telephone or le tte r. 4 . It suddenly dawned on me that money\rcouldn,t make up for a ll that he had suffered in the past five years. 5. Some\rpeople refer to translation as science while others take i t as art. 6. Instead\rof imposing personal views upon others, we should promote democracy.


