e.PDF for .NET.\rto prevent cheating?\rWhy or why not?\r2. Sometimes people tell white lies to avoid\rhurting others' feelings.\rShould these people be considered honest or\rdishonest?\r3. Sometimes doctors do not tell the truth to their\rpatients about\rtheir conditions. Do you approve of this practice?\rWhy or why not?\r1 . Review the key points of Section A;\r2 .,K$
Finish the exercises after class;\r Finish online homework;3.\r4.Preview Section B.\r,-./0123.\rD\r45 WORD 6789 5.Write a speech or essay\rentitled with What Steals Our Leisure Time. You\rmay apply as many expressions from the text\ras possible to your writing. \r }\r,\r,-./0123