life.\rHe\rlost\reight\re le ctio n s, tw ice fa ile d in business and su ffe re d a nervous b re a kd o w n . He\rcould have q u it many\rtim e s . B u t h e d id n 't and b e ca u se h e d id n 't q u it, h e was e le c te d and\rbecam e one of the g re a te s t\rpresidents in the history of the United States.\rSection B\rReading skills\rI.\r1\rF2\rE3\rQ\rG5\rB6\rC7\rD\rComprehension of the Text\rII.\r1.D 2.A3.C 4.C 5.A6.D 7.C 8.B\rV\rocabulary\r.\r1.\rcheated.\r2.\rinclined\r3.\rreconciled\r4.\rcontemporary\r5.\rtransformed\r6.\rnotion\r7.\rultimate\r8.\rappropriate 9. curb 10. expense\rN\r1. to 2 .of 3. as 4.for 5.over 7.of 8.on 9.of 10.of\r)]^\r_`abcdefgh_`abcdijkh_`abcd4\nlh