answers .\r/ 6 7 8 9 : ; <\rSB Page 4 5 , 3c .\rRead the instructions to the class .\rThen ask students to write their recipes .As students work ,move\raround the room offering assistance as needed .Ask students to\rread their recipes to a partner .Ask some students to read their\rrecipes to the class .\rStep 4 Post-task\rSelfcheck .\rAsk students to finish the work .\rAsk some students to present their answers to the class .\rCheck the answers .\rStep 5 Homework\rSB Page 45 , P art 4 .\rAsk students to work with a partner .\rTell your partner how to make a sandwich with the ingredients in\ryour list .\r/[;\r !"?#$%&'()..\r+,-.?httu?\\r / 0 5012345