Y\n.[\]^e?\rfLY\n[\]^_`abcP\rghPY\n.[\%:i>]jk_`abc)\r16\rThe skunk lm\rThe skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the\rskunk stunk..\rnopqlmPnodrstr Pnolu%lmlu\r17\rThere's no need vwx\rThere's no need to light a night light, on a light night like tonight; For a night\rlight's a slight light,\ron a light night like tonight.\ryz{k|}~{6x~P
yz{k|}~{P\r%~\r18\rFrom Wibbleton to W obbletonj\rFrom Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles,\rFrom Wobbleton to Wibbleton is fifteen miles,\rFrom Wibbleton to Wobbleton,\rFrom Wobbleton to Wibbleton,\rFrom Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles.\rj>P\rj>P\rjP\rjP\rj>