

上传者:火锅鸡 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:48 |  大小:4646KB

created with Spire.PDF for .NET.\rC D D C C\r!\r1. dark 2. bought 3. first 4. Monday 5. knives\r6. Japanese 7. let us 8. for9. we 10. can't\r"\rDAC DA BA D B C\r?\r1. in the office 2. our shoes 3. come in 4. look after 5. get up\r6 . # $ 7. 12:45 8 .% & ' ( ) 9 . * + , - 10.."*/\r1. is an 2. Give me that sharpener 3. What is ten minus six?\r4. Can you see any kites in the sky?\rB D B B D\r012\rMyself\rMy name is Wang Dong. I'm 12 years old. Pm a student of No. 5 Primary School in Beijing.\rI have many hobbies. I like reading and watching TV in my free time. Snow White is my favourite\rbook.\rI have some friends in my class. My best friend is Chen Gang. I often play games with him.\rMy English teacher is Miss Hu. I like her very much.


