\rA. Concerts. B. Movies. C. Sports.\r( ) (2).What can you see in the cinema on Friday?\rA. Harry Potter. B. Kung Fu Panda. C. Toy Story 2.\r( )(3).Mary wants to watch Harry Potter. What present can she get?\rA. One toy. B. One toy panda C. One book.\r(4).( )You want to see Kung Fu Panda with your parents. How much should\ryou pay?\rA. 90 yuan. B. (l)(5)0 yuan. C. (1)80 yuan.\réÏêëìíîïðñ_____________________________________________.\rÏæçè è@<óôÔÕ20÷ø>_____ ù ú______ .\rûKp5üýþÿ 0@P 0`p?? \r?? 0\r____ _ 0 .\r !"#\r$#)*%+,-\r$#\r$#./0+12\r%&'(\r$#+34