lunch/dinner B'/D'2eating habit.()*+2healthy\rfood.%)E2fruitFG2vegetablesHI\r:;??Peter has...J He often has...J They are...J\r1 0 0 .KLMN\rOP2QRSTUVWXYZ%[\r .\r?\r?\rThis is a picture of my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. In\rthis picture, my mother is wearing an orange coat and a white skirt. My father is wearing a\rgreen coat and brown trousers. I am wearing a yellow coat and green skirt. My brother is\rwearing a pink coat. We are a happy family.\r??\r??\r1 . ?? \Y]^%_`>ab234\r56789\r2 . :;<=>??\r:;@<?familycd2orangeef%2whitegf2greenhf2brownif%2\ryellowjf%\r:;??They are...J My mother/father/brother is...J I am...J We are a happy\rfamily.J\r?kl?