aughter (all related by birth) played volleyball.\rThe worst playefs twin (who is one of the four players) and the best player are of\ropposite sex.The worst player and the best player are of the same age. Who cannot be\rthe worst player(s)?\rA) brother only\rB) daughter only\rC) son and daughter only\rD) lady and daughter only\rE) lady only\r72If you continue the given number pattern, in what row and in whatposition in that\rrow will the number 320 be?\r1 row 1\r2 3 row 2\r4 5 6 ---------------row 3\r7 8 9 10---------------row 4\rThe answers are given in the order of row ; position.\rèéGf@\r12Wednesday 2. 45 3227(~êww@Èë`)4228=9+9+10,ìáGf(\r810\r52503-20=483 483=3x7x23=21x23,ìáíîï=4 8 3 ,ìñòñòjó® 10. 62D 72\r25, 20