\rof chemical plants)\rbZ&$%_AM=_.\rA,M= '¡<b0wx¢£\r[s¤¥¦ @(It is hoped that safety management will be more\rhumane. In the inspection of the workshop, not only the\rshortcomings but also the advantages must be discovered, and\remployees are encouraged to make recommendations that are\rhelpful for safe work and reward them in time.)\r_§¨¤¥b©ª«¬®¯°¨b±²³E´\rsµ“ACb"¸"CAb"¹º@(Continuously carry out\rsafety publicity and education to employees, enhance their\rsafety awareness, and truly transform from "I want to be safe”\rto "I want to be safe.")\r¼½¾b'¿ÀÁÂÃZÄÅN¿ÀÆCÁÂ\rÇÈÉÊËÌ¿ÀNÍ&ÁÂ(Recommended reading: Summary of\rinternship work for safety officers)