her operations? (y/n)\r<<endl;\rBool flag4=0;\rDo.\rCin>>w;\rIf (W! ='y'&&w! ='n')\rCout<< instruction error! Please re-enter it! ”<<endl”;\rElse\rFlag4=l;\r}while (flag4==0);\rIf (w==' y')\r“Please enter the cout9 operation code (0 /4 input according\rto total query /5 query by name /I /2 /3 increase delete\rpersonnel to modify the data /6 display all the members of /7\r/8 according to the data by the total score Ranking Ranking\rRanking /y /9 according to Chinese mathematics English\raccording to the ranking)z? <<endl;\rCin>>p;\r}while (w==?y?);\rFor (int x=0; x<i; x++)\rDelete s[x];.\rCout<< "d elete a ll members!z? <<endl;\r}