g : The document was created with Spire.PDF for .NET.\rB. detour through\rC. continues to honk through\rD. accelerated ahead of time\rThe correct answer is: A\r98, a motorcycle after wading, should be maintained at low speed,\r___ brake, to recover the braking effect.\rA. light and slow\rB. sharp\rC. continues\rD. discontinuity\rThe correct answer is: D\r99, side impact parts occur in the driver(s seat, should quickly\rtry to jump the car.\rA. correct\rB. error\rThe correct answer is: B.\r100 in the chart sign only all vehicles\rA. turn left\rB. runs on the left side of the road\rC. parking on the left\rD. runs on the right side of the road\rThe correct answer is: B