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) X (e5s tn - for recreation To sefve these new shoppers it is also\rnecessary for more stores lo remain open and thus more people lo work on weekends The functions of the workweek and\rweekend vary a great deal in some area$ Stores that reJy on office workers will see far less busmess on a weekend. wh<le\rthose in the suburbs or in residential areas wtll see far more Weekends are days when people can safely sleep in and also\rnot have to worry as much about the?')) X ? " of a hangover so Fnday and Saturday nights are the\rbusiest for bars, restaurants dubs and movie theaters There is substanbalty less activity on many websites on weekends\rOne area in which the weekend has(1 0 ) X u-niained unaHw'-i) is education, where schools are\rshut on Saturdays and Sundays


