dless of whether you are in a manufacturing or service industry, you are\rrequired by law to operate your business in a manner which is safe and healthy fbr\ryour workforce. Our courses will help you provide a safe and legally sound\rworking environment fbr your staff.\rOur one-day courses include:\rExperienced and highly-qualified trainers (trainer wes sick - replacement poor)\rHigh-quality information packs (pile of loose Dhotocouies)\rSmall groups (maximum 8 people) (not true)\rPrice includes lunch and refreshments (explam what was with lunch)\rAll one-day courses run Monday - Friday from 9:30 A 17:00 (started late).\rFor more information contact:\rMoira Geddings\rGBG House\rSummerfield Road\rOxford 0X8 4DN