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changed\r38) By carrying out a small test, doctors can detect th e cells that might\rcause cancers in time and then treat them easily and simply.\rA. initiative B. abnormal C. indifferent D. faithful\r39) I have met some interesting people at the golf course, and I can make\rwith them by email when I have time to see them personally.\rA. contact B. conduct C. whip D. occasion\r40) Play musical instruments shapes the character of self-assurance and has the added\rbonus of public performance, which helps to the fear of getting up in front\rof people.\rA. gaze B. deliver C.conquer D. confuse\rKeys :\r1 -5 DCBCA 6-1 0AACAA 1 1 -1 5 CADCB 1 6-20 BBABA\r21 -25 CBDCA 26-30ADCCB 31 -35AABDB 36-40CABAC


