next few days.\r?? !"#$%\r2 .Learning to relax by whichever method suits you best is a positive way of improving your\rhealth.\r&!'()*+,%-./012345678%9:-.\r3.In the battle, the handful of soldiers fought bravely against the enemies and died heroic deaths.\r4.<=>?@AB`%=CD\nEFGHIJK?.\r5 .For more than four hours they battled to bring the fire under control and stop dangerous flames\rfrom spreading across the small town.\rLDM=@4N`OPQRSTUVWXY@Z[%T\]^_`NOa\r6 .He tells her will always have a friend to turn to , no matter what trouble she may come across.\rLbcdBef_ghijdklm4nopq%rs\r7 .The bank could make loans to some small companies to keep them from failing.\rtuvwxynzO{|v}~D?