each while the sun slowly sets.\rWendyK You're a lazy lump. Before long you'll be fat and weak and short of\rbreath. If you think we had a big workout this week, just wait\rt i l l next week. We're going rafting, and after that, I want to\rgo camping and mountain climbing.\rHoward: Know what you are? You're fitness freak. You're hooked on exercise.\rWendy: Well, that may be true. But TH make a deal with you. If you promise\rto go camping with me next week, we'll go to a movie this weekend.\rHoward: Wonderful. Just what I was waiting to hear. It sounds like a great\rchance to relax. Maybe someday I can even help you break free from\rthat horrible fitness habit.\rWendy: T hafll be the day!\rKeys: FTTFF