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0. C\rStructured Writing\rXV. Some peopIe prefer to I ive alone whereas some others have to\rIive alone for one reason or another.\rThose peopIe believing in inspirational solitude argue that no\rcompan i on i s more compan i onabIe than\rsol itude. L i terary g i ants such as W i 11 i am Wordsworth, John M i I ton\rand Henry Thoreau enjoyed living\ralone on purpose. Hunters or explorers enjoy themseIves as they\rventure out to tame the great wiId\rareas. On the other hand, there are some other peopIe who have\rto Iive alone due to various reasons:\rbeing divorced, widowed or never married. Many of them fee I bitter\rto Iive in solitude. They have no\rone to talk to and as a result they talk at length to themselves\rand to their pets and to the television.


