's he/she doing? He/ She is ing.\r4. Draw your family, and introduce someone in your family. Like:\rThis is m y .\rHe/ She i s . tall, short, old, young\rHe/ She is a .\rHe/ She is ing.\r5. Test\rPlay the audiotape and stop after each instruction to allow the\rstudents' time to complete each exercise.\rN1: Listen. Fill in the blanks.\rN2: Match the words with the family.\rN3: Listen. Fill in the blanks. Match the words and pictures..\rN4: Listen and draw.\r6. Class Closing\r&pWXB\rAgain, Please!\rHow old are you? I am years old.\rWhat is he doing? He is____ing.\rWhat is she doing? She is____ing.\rWhat are they doing? They are___ ing