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the wind was whipping the paltns and sending slinging rain into his eyes, hut he collecied a supply of wtxxi and built another fine, bigger and bigger until i( roared like a forge in the\rwind. "He killed her!" he shouted to the waves.\r"YES Dr. Island's voice was big and wild.\r"You said he was better."\r"HE Is." howled the wind. 'YOU KILLED THE MONKEY THAT WANTED TO PLAY WITH YOU. NICHOLAS-AS I BELIEVED IGNACIO WOULD EVENTUALLY KILL YOU. WHO ARE SO\rEASILY HATED. SO DIFFERENT FROM WHAT IT IS THOUGHT A BOY SHOULD BE. BUT KI1J.ING THE MONKEY HELPED YOU. REMEMBER MADE YOU BETTER. IGNACIO WAS\rFRIGHTENED BY WOMEN; NOW HE KNOWS THAT THEY ARE REALLY VERY WEAK. AND HE HAS ACTED UPON CERTAIN FANTASIES AND FINDS THEM BITTER."\r"You're rocking." Nicholas said. *Am I doing that?,\r'YOUR THOUGHT.'


