manager of sale department.\rWrite a simple resume to describe your working experience. It should be around 100\rwords.\rRESUME\rTony Brown\r123 Center Street\rCenterville, La.\rTelephone: (819) 988-6163\rWorking Experience\r2000 to present Western Regional Sales Manager\rABC Electronic Corp.\rCenter, La.\rSupervised sales force of 35 men selling computer\rand MP3 components. Responsible for train\ring, the establishment and fulfillment of sales\rgoals. During this period, region, s sales rose\ran average of 40% anually, compared to\rprevious rise to 28% . Presently employed by\rthe firm, but famile ownership prevents rising\rany higher in the foreseeable future\r* $:A=ûüýþ.Bÿ 0@P`p?\rP??\r0 !"#`0$%&#'(`)*+,-.`/01\r23??456708P9:#;?<9:`=>?&@\r57